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Kestos Style Brassiere Pattern


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This is a pattern for a very soft vintage style brassiere with no lift and not much support. It has no boning, no padding with only two thin straps holding the brassiere around the figure. This pattern is based on kestos style brassiere and is an attempt to replicate the original vintage look. Therefore to accommodate for various body heights you will have to choose the correct shoulder strap lengths while you sew and you will not be able to change that while wearing. Check the size range below to see if this pattern is suitable for you.


This pattern comes in the following bra sizes: 60A, 60B, 60C; 65A, 65B, 65C; 70A, 70B, 70C; 75A, 75B, 75C; 80A, 80B, 80C; 85A, 85B, 85C. Height 155-175cm.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This is not a project for beginner sewers. This pattern requires to use couture sewing techniques and calls for delicate not easy to work with fabrics, like fine silks and cottons. You need to have a good understanding of hand sewing techniques and processes. That being said, I tried to make this tutorial as detailed as possible. So if you are up for a challenge ā€“ try it! And let me know in comments about your progress! The pattern document you will download only outlines the order of the process. For step by step instructions with pictures and explanations of all the techniques used to assemble this brassiere please visit my blog post on the topic.

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Kestos Style Brassiere Pattern


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